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1.Introduction Of Arabic Alphabet

The first document of Arabic Language is available in Greece, Syriac, and Greek. In 512 AD it was Inscribed and renumbered. The Arabic language expanded since the fourth century. This Arabic script has been searched from Aramaic script. Aramaic used to have very few letters in comparison to Arabic. A few more letters were added to Arabic in the seventh century. Small vowels were created so that their point could be explained clearly. There is much difference between oral Arabic and written Arabic. Written Arabic is divided into two parts;-

Classic Arabic

Modern Standard Arabic

Classic Arabic: - Mainly this language has been used to write the Holy Book of the mom dons  Qur'an and literature. Modern standard Arabic style is different and vocabulary is different. 

Modern Standard Arabic: - If we say in ordinary language, this language comes in most prevalence. All people of Arab country can understand this language easily. It is a universal language. This language is used in publicity or TV shows as it can be easily understood. This is the national language of the Arab country.

 Both languages of Arabic, classic Arabic or standard Arabic are mostly used in cartoon channels, dramas, and in poems too. Due to the different language of different areas, this language has been made the language major. 

2.Basic Facts About The Arabic Alphabets

It has a different system of writing, Not only do the rider but it is only the vowels. It is necessary to use any other language to use the voice.

The Arabic language belongs to the Afroasiatic family and a large part of Africa, consisting of 6 branches and around 300 living languages and dialects and is spoken by more than 350 million native speakers. 

Arabic is the official language of the 22 countries. The beauty of it is that it conveys a depth of both meaning and emotion which makes it unique and unmatched by many languages. 

Arabic is at least 1500 years old. Earlier versions of the language existed including the Safaitic dialect.

Those who understand this language completely can not speak any other language. 

Arabic is a Semitic language.  In regard to, Arabic writing, many languages use the Arabic alphabet, like Persian/Farsi, Urdu, Pashto, and Kurdish. You will be able to read in any of these languages, even though you might not understand!

3.Learn Arabic Letters And Alphabets

Here I am sharing with you some main points of Arabic letters and alphabets:-

The Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters.

Arabic is written from right to left.

let's go for some more details, There are two more alphabets in the Arabic language compared to English. English contains 26 alphabets while Arabic contains 28 letters. 

4.Arabic Alphabets And pronunciation

There are two methods of reading Arabic.1) By reading the Arabic letters. 

2) By reading the phonetic equivalent of the Arabic word by using Latin letters. 

but we cannot rely on phonetics. The Arabic alphabet uses the abjad script however, Arabic is sometimes written in Latin letters from left-to-right. This process is called romanization and lacks any standardized forms.

5. Arabic Alphabet Table And Chart

Three features of the Arabic letter are described;-

Letters are connected to form words.

Words have vowels on it.

Some letters have dots on it.

Arabic Alphabet is written and read from right to left except the numerals.

Arabic Letters can be divided into two groups according to their position

1st Group 

Can't be joined on the left side.

Can be joined to a preceding letter but never to the following one.

For more details about Arabic Alphabets visit here